Wetsuit Repairs & Alterations
Wettie are able to do almost any repair to wetsuits. From a small nick, to big tears and replacing zips. Wettie have many different neoprenes at their desposal to give your wetsuit new life. Regardless of the brand they can fix it.
When it comes to alterations, your options are limitless, Wettie can change the style of your suit (eg. steamer into a long john, spring or vise versa.) Adding zips into ankles, wrists, neck, back, front, fly zips etc, are easy and possible in most suits. Adding zips may help with comfort of getting in and out of your suit. Wettie can add knife pockets onto legs and arms for a streamline place to store your knife when diving or snorkelling. It is possible for us to add a scupper to any brand of suit. If your suit is not quite fitting you well enough, Wettie have the ability to nip, tuck or add neoprene to the suit to make it fit like a custom made suit for better comfort and warmth.
Please dry your wetsuit before sending it into Eden King Fish. EKF and Wettie do not accept or repair wet wetsuits.
If your wetsuit is to be mailed back to you, there will be a shipping cost charged. Please send wetsuits back to EKF with proof of purchase to PO Box 557, Eden, NSW, 2551 or alternatively email us and we can discuss your options.
Measurement Diagram